The two disciplines of gynaecology and obstetrics both focus on the female reproductive system. Gynaecology covers treating women who are not pregnant, whereas Obstetrics deals with pregnancy and all of the procedures and issues that accompany it.

Physiotherapy For Gynaecology Rehabilitation

Gynaecology includes both the medical and surgical sciences. Cancers, fibroids, etc., must be surgically removed, whereas many gynaecological ailments require hormonal and other pharmacological therapy.
Gynaecologists employ a variety of diagnostic and treatment methods. It helps you with problems regarding Hysterectomy, menstrual problems, PCOD and urinary continues.

Gynecology Rehabilitation | Arham Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Centre | Nikol | Ahmedabad | Gujarat

The womb is surgically removed during a hysterectomy (uterus). There are several reasons to have this procedure, including:

  1. Uterine fibroids that hurt, bleed, or cause other issues;
  2. Uterine prolapse, which is the movement of the uterus into the vaginal canal from its natural position;
  3. Cancer of the cervix, ovaries, or uterus;
  4. Endometriosis;
  5. Abrupt vaginal bleeding;
  6. Adenomyosis, or a thickening of the uterus, and persistent pelvic pain

There are various menstrual problems as well, which require attention like heavy period flow, absent period, unusual pain and discomfort during the cycle and many more. These problems need to be consulted with the gynaecologist in time in order to avoid serious injury. 

Gynecology Rehabilitation | Arham Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Centre | Nikol | Ahmedabad | Gujarat

PCOD, or polycystic ovarian disease, is a medical condition in which a woman’s ovaries frequently generate immature or partially mature eggs, which eventually develop into ovarian cysts. These days, PCOD is a relatively prevalent gynaecological issue. However, many issues can be treated with the right medication and lifestyle adjustments.

 Arham Physiotherapy has a team of well-experienced physiotherapists who can help you heal your Gynecological problems. Physiotherapy treats women’s health issues such as incontinence, pelvic/vaginal discomfort, pregnancy and postpartum musculoskeletal pain, osteoporosis, rehabilitation following breast surgery, lymphedema, education prevention, wellness and exercise, and much more. Connect with us to know more.

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