What is a Physiotherapist?

University-trained physiotherapists are specialists in pain diagnosis, accident treatment, exercise, injury prevention, rehabilitation, and numerous other sports, health, and fitness-related fields.

What should I bring?

Be ready to share any prior surgical or medical history. Bring scan or MRI data, as well as a list of your medications, if you have any and if they’re pertinent. You might want to pack a t-shirt and shorts.

How many appointments do I need?

The amount of sessions will vary based on the individual and the situation. The physiotherapist will talk about their treatment strategy for the recovery process after conducting a comprehensive assessment.

What ought I put on for the appointment?

We won’t ask you to take off your clothes if we’re treating your feet, but if we’re treating your spine, you’ll be so comfortable that modest underpants or a pair of shorts is acceptable.

Do I need a doctor’s referral to get started?

No, physiotherapists can diagnose and treat patients without a doctor’s referral. Yet, while some health insurers just demand a phone call, the majority require a doctor’s referral before they authorize payment of bills.

How long does a physiotherapy session typically last?

The duration of a physiotherapy session can vary depending on the nature and complexity of the condition being treated. 

The length of treatment is determined by your diagnoses, the intensity of your impairment, your medical history, as well as other factors. Re-evaluations will be carried out to evaluate your progress, and your therapist will interact alongside your physician to assist you in meeting your therapy objectives.

We see and treat patients for a wide variety of ailments and disorders. Please read our Services page for a comprehensive list of the ailments and diagnoses for which we see patients.

Physio is delighted to have 20 occupational and physical therapist on staff who have advanced qualifications in orthopedic surgery, sports, hand treatment, manual therapy, and pedorthics.

We will contact your health insurance provider to see if ambulatory physiotherapy services are authorized under your policy. We urge that you double-check your health insurance.

Contact the facility where you have all of your regular appointments. You can also reach our administration office by phone at +91 985 985 98 82.

Book Your Appointment

Reserve your slots by just calling or pre-booking.
You can book an appointment for the yoga session and
various therapy and also for the home visit.

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